Obedience to Authority


Obedience to authority is generally thought of as a good trait. Obedience can also be a very dangerous trait. Blind obedience to authority can be the cause of citizens enacting inhumanly, while disobedience to the authorities can sometimes bring safety and prosperity. Because of the dangers of blind obedience one must question "When does obedience to authority become dangerous?" (Milgram) Obedience to authority becomes very dangerous when in inhibits personal liberty. When people are freer, they are arguably much safer.

Some people will suggest that obedience to authority never makes people unsafe. They would state that good law abiding citizens will honor and follow the laws and will obey the authorities. Since it is only criminals that are breaking the law and since the punishment for criminal action is often incarceration, obedience to authority will keep people safe and will keep the criminals out of society which will make the citizens even safer. Additionally, if a person obeys the laws of the land then they do not have to fear jail and they can also have the security and peace of mind of knowing that the government will be there to protect and defend its honest citizens through the strength of its military, as the argument goes. Many people of strong faith will even argue that is our moral and Biblical obligation to obey the laws of the land unless they come into direct conflict with God's laws (Robbins).

These arguments seem to come from a very imperialist mindset. It implies the imposition of morality through authority, since those who break the law are considered immoral and deserve to be locked up. The argument that it is the moral obligation of people to obey the laws touches at the heart of the issue. The suppression of personal liberty does arguably directly interfere with God's laws of morality. In the founding document of the United States personal liberty is stated to be a God given right. This document further goes on to state that if a government violates these codes of personal liberty then it is the right of the people to disobey their authority and even institute a new form of government if necessary (The Declaration of Independence) If it is the belief of American citizens that personal liberty is a God given right then it seems that obedience to authority becomes very dangerous when it inhibits these rights, since it is right of the people to overthrow these violations. More importantly, the suppression of personal liberty is most often achieved through an increase in the role of government in the lives of the citizens, reducing the relative safety of the nation.

Thomas Jefferson once stated that "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." Why does an increase in the role of the government result in the suppression of liberty, and how does this make the nation less safe? Looking at America's history may be able to shed some light on this subject because American history can be broken down into two historical periods: America's historic laissez-faire polices before the 20th century, which saw a very limited federal government with increased personal liberty; and America's imperialistic policies thereafter which resulted in a dramatic expansion of the federal government in domestic and foreign policy and a reduction in personal liberty. The relative security of the citizens can be contrasted before and after America's transformation.

There were certainly wars and violence in American history before its transition to imperial policies. Some of the more notable skirmishes include the very violent Civil War, the War of 1812, and the various wars with the Native American tribes. (American History Timeline) Even with these factors into consideration the relative security of the country was much greater during laissez-faire polices that promoted personal liberty. In the 120 or so years of American laissez-faire policy American citizens saw far fewer wars with foreign nations. There were a few wars with foreign nation such as Britain (who was still upset about the American Revolution to a degree) and France. The United States was far more concerned with what would have been viewed as our own internal affairs with the various Native American tribes through westward expansion and the belief in manifest destiny.

As the nation grew "from sea to shining sea", one of the biggest exceptions to this conception of personal liberty was the American Civil War. Although temporarily damaging, civil war did not destroy this nation and in the end even made the nation even stronger. Because of the American Civil War and the (slow) path of recovery, everyone has equal status in this country. This has improved the personal liberty of citizens and has helped to break down some of the cultural boundaries of our nation which has made America a safer place to live for all races. We may be able to fight among ourselves and survive as a nation however we can not fight against the world and have the same expectations.

During the last 110 years or so of American imperialism, the people have seen many more wars with foreign nations. Since 1900 America has had involvement in two World Wars, a proxy war against communism in its various phases including Vietnam, Korea and Cuba, and the race for atomic weapons and more recently terrorist attacks. Because of the amount of war that the American citizens have experienced since promoting imperialistic foreign policy it is not fair to say that society is safer. In fact the very reason that terrorists attack this great nation is because they hate its imperial policies. This is the very opposite of strong security for the country, regardless of the strength of the military.

A strong military is very effective in promoting security and stability for the nation. When a strong military is coupled with an imperial agenda, however, then it has a detrimental effect. The military promotes the agenda of the government. If the Pentagon tells the military to go and invade a country, the military goes and invades whether that invasion promotes freedom or not. A strong military in and of itself is not enough to ensure the safety and security of any nation.

If imperialism is so detrimental to the security of the nation, then how did it become so prevalent in American society? Imperialism is when one sovereign power imposes its will through force or trade regulations on another sovereign power. This became foreign policy during the early 20th century primarily through the office of Theodore Roosevelt. (Theodore Roosevelt) Because of the initial success of imperial foreign policy it soon started to become prevalent in domestic policy. This was done to try and control perceived immoralities in society in order to create the "good society".

Through the Progressive Era, many "Progressives" advocated very imperial form of domestic policy which saw a dramatic increase in the power of the Federal Government. This was done through the various acts of the Square Deal and the New Deal, and later the Fair Deal. Because of the dual sovereignty of American government, a dramatic increase in the role of the federal government will result in a reduction of the state's rights. This allows the federal government to impose its will on the states, becoming imperialistic in nature. While some of the acts promoted by progressives were beneficial, like many of the health standards for food in the Square Deal, by and large these policies have been absolutely terrible for our country and have resulted in far less security for the nation.

A good example of this is how these policies have resulted in less safety and security for the nation is the Volstead Act. As Albert Einstein once stated, "The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which can not be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this. " Since the Volstead Act took the power away from the states to regulate alcohol, organized crime started to become prevalent in American society. Violent crimes increased due to the dangers of illegal distribution and transportation of alcohol. Crime became a very lucrative business. Joe Kennedy became so wealthy bootlegging alcohol that his children could go on to become the President of the United States and members of Congress. Because crime became so violent and because alcohol prohibition saw such a loss in revenue it was repealed in 1932. In another example, just five years later, the Marijuana Tax Act prohibited the distribution of a plant that has been accepted for thousands of years as medicinal .

Thomas Jefferson once stated that "If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take; their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." He also stated that "The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture." When a government becomes so overburdening that it tells its citizens what kind of plants they can grow on their own private property then it represents a radical departure from the ideas of liberty that the founding fathers envisioned. Abraham Lincoln went as far as to say that "Prohibition … goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control mans' appetite through legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not even crimes … A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our Government was founded. " If the nation is in such a sorry state (as Jefferson would suggest) then how does this make the nation safer? How does it make the nation more secure? Just like alcohol, the prohibition of marijuana has only increased its popularity to the point that it is now the number one cash crop in America. It has also caused an increase of crime and the violence due to its illegal distribution just as alcohol did. In addition, some of the benefits of deregulating marijuana would vastly improve security. Promoting industrial hemp would allow the nation to grow a crop that has a much higher yield than either corn or sugar in ethanol production, for example. This would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and improve national security. The message should be clear, that personal liberty and limited government improves our safety.

Obedience to authority can become very dangerous in this country when the authority limits personal liberty. Imperialism causes a reduction in personal liberty so continuing to follow these policies will only result in greater instability and less safety throughout the United States. Imperial foreign policies reduce freedom throughout the world and cause many nations to hate the American government. This leads us to war and also promotes terrorist acts against the nation, reducing our security. Likewise, domestic imperialism causes many citizens to hate its own government and also causes a dramatic increase in violence as citizens become criminals who would fight against their own government than give up their liberties. Because the reduction in personal liberty causes such a great risk to our security obedience to authority when it inhibits personal liberty becomes a very dangerous thing.

Works Cited

"American History Timeline." About.com. The New York Times Company. nd Web. 6 July 2011.

"The Declaration of Independence." USHistory. Independence Hall Association. nd Web. 6 July. 2011.

Leuchetenburg, William. "Progressivism and Imperialism: The Progressive Movement and American Foreign Policy". JSTOR. The Mississippi Historical Review. 1952. Web. 6 July. 2011.

Milgram, Stanley. "The Perils of Obedience." Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. Tenth ed. New York: Pearson / Longman, 2008. Print.

Robbins, Dale. "Authority: What Christians Should Know. " Victorious. Victorious Publications. 1991. Web. 6 July. 2011.

"Theodore Roosevelt." Sparknotes. Sparknotes LLC. nd Web. 6 July. 2011


Source by Brandon Polk

Free Money


Small businesses need money just like people need money but where can they find it? Everyone is looking for money! Banks will not lend it to when you're in trouble, so where do you get it? You can get it from GRANTS! Grants or government programs are set up for the American people when they need it. You may need it for medical bills or medication. What about to fix a leak in your roof? If you are in some sort of financial distress you may qualify for a grant from the US government.

A grant is taxpayer money set aside to help people. You do not have to be poor to get this money. You may want to start a business there is a grant for that. You may need training to keep up to date in your field there is a program for that. If you are environmentally focused you can get money to install solar panels or environmentally friendly technology. The government wants to give you this money. You just have to apply.

For a list of places to apply and programs available do a search on the net for grants. Also Matthew Lesko (the guy with the question mark suit) used to have and infomercial selling his books for about 40 dollars each. I have ordered from him. The books are quite informative and listed hundreds of programs of all types. He also has a DVD showing how he applies to the programs and examples of other people's applications. Overall I think it's worth the money. There are a ton of books and websites about this subject. You just have to search for them.

All in all I believe that there are still ways to get free money. It may not be the way you think but it is possible, what have you got to lose? This is just one technique to get the money you need. Check out my other articles to find out the other ways to get your share.


Source by Steve H Lee

The Industrialization of American Schooling


A link exists between democracy, industrialization, and universal education which can be traced all the way back to our founding fathers in the late 18th century, shortly after our Revolution. They, most notably Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster, felt that the American education system should be the tool with which they could create a uniform national culture by blending together all nationalities and religions. This system would be based on standardized texts which would get to the core principles of republican government. They went on to include that if the American voting system was to be successful, they would need informed and educated people who can make sound decisions. Unfortunately, this vision was not carried out, as two decades later, in the early 1800s, the country remained split, with many states thinking of themselves as independent from the country as a whole.

This education mess seemed to mimic the politics of the time. Education was not uniform at all, and was primarily administered by separate localities, with no coordination among them. For the most part, only the rich were able to afford the tuition fees necessary for public schooling. High school was even rarer, and college was nearly unheard of.

One man, Horace Mann, saw the urgent need to develop a more efficient school system, and proposed that the government set up what he called "common schools" – schools funded by taxes – in his state of Massachusetts. The idea caught fire, and soon spread to other states which began to see the advantage of an educated work force as the United States began to pass other world powers in technology. Many also noted that these "common schools" were doing an admirable job of merging and mixing the many different cultures now in America.

Every state government soon had at least some mandatory education laws in place by 1918 – most required students to attend school until at least the 8th grade or the age of 16. High school continued to be a form of higher education, as most students did quit school after the mandatory 8 years.

Shortly after this, however, industrialization made another big push, and fewer and fewer people were making a living from agriculture anymore. This growing economy called for more white-collar jobs. Now nearly 95% of all people under the age of 25 who enter high school have graduated, and 67% of all of those graduates went on the college – the highest of any nation. The percentage of people going to college is currently higher than the percentage of people who went to high school in 1910.


Source by Howard Hehrer

Hollywood Movies and American Identity Formation


"Identity" is a very vague term with different meanings. What is identity? "It refers to the cultural values ​​or perspectives an individual most strongly relates to; such as an Asian identity" (SCP), "The distinguishing character or personality of an individual" (Arts Connected Organization), "It includes those qualities that distinguish one person from another "(Encarta Encyclopedia)," The distinguishing character or personality of an individual "(Britannica Encyclopedia). The very concise definition of "Identity" is realized in the question of "who Am I?" It refers to one's specific and unique characteristics and features which differ it from others. It represents the real "self" of the person and the behaviors and desires due to that understood "self". Like most human characteristics identity is formed through a very long and deep process.

The personal continuity and being unique are the most important factors of identity formation. It goes without saying that people, moreover to their personal identity that is formed mainly in families and schools in very young ages, acquire their social identity according to what group they belong to; membership in familial, ethnic, religious or even occupational groups. These group identities are necessary for people in order to define themselves in the eyes of both others and themselves.
Erik Erikson has extensively discussed "Identity Formation" under his theory of "developmental stages", which believes identity formation extends from birth through adulthood. He states that this identity formation begins in childhood and goes along to adolescence and it also gains prominence in adolescence. Having had physical growth, sexual maturation, and various occupational opportunities, adults will start integrating their former experiences and characteristics, gained specifically through childhood, into a fixed and -perhaps- permanent identity. But basics of identity are constructed in childhood and teenage years. Thus, it can be said that the most significant period of identity construction is childhood.

The predictable obstacle through the identity formation can be identity crisis caused by various reasons and circumstances. According to Erikson, the crisis can be resolved by one's progress through previous developmental stages, orienting on basic issues of life such as trust, autonomy, and motives. "JE Marcia illustrates four common ways in which adults deal with the challenge of identity formation. Those who successfully resolved and passed identity crisis are referred as" identity-achieved. "Others who are trying to make commitments without questioning or investigating alternatives are named" identity-foreclosed, "those who are" identity-diffused "flee from making decisions about their futures who are unable to make total heartily commitments to careers, values, or other people. in contrary, those in the" moratorium "group are struggling and experiencing an ongoing crisis as they try to "find themselves." (Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology)

Undoubtedly, societies are in search for "identity-achieved" generations. Hence, the young generation or even adults will not be struggling with their "selves" or the society to find out moralities and values ​​when they are mature enough to work and produce labor for their society. To be able to lead generations to this level of identity, societies must have regulated plans to educate and treat children from the very young ages; so that these learned values ​​and moralities will be strengthened through ages. Cultural means can best aid and instruct children. This process of identity formation has always been very dominant through years by Hollywood.

Hollywood as the most influential media in America, and also in other countries, has had a great role in identity formation of Americans since childhood. American values ​​and morale are being conducted in different ways in Hollywood movies; religious, national, political, moral and even economic values. There has always been a great emphasis upon religious believes-attending church or celebrating religious holidays like Christmas- and national values; American has always been stressing upon. Equality, liberty, love for the nation, freedom of expression, human right have been demonstrated repeatedly in movies in order to imply meanings and values.

American cinema has also established the "rating system" in Hollywood so that it could have the cinema under its own control and it could present what ever was to the benefit of the society. Rating was considered as a way to set force limitations. Hollywood movies were being rated when bearing sexual affairs, violence, drug abuse and crimes. Thus, they would have restricted sexual openness in the society, they would have abandoned violence and drug abuse presented widely to people, more specifically to children for whose sake rating system has developed in the United States in 1930s by Motion Picture Association of America. Rating system has been categorized considering age limits. American movies have been divided into 5 categories as follows; G category- General Audiences- that all ages are admitted and is surely pure of any immorality, PG that means some materials may not be very appropriate for children, PG-13 implies that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13, R that children under 17 must be accompanied by parents or adult guardian and the last one is NC-17 that no one 17 or under is permitted.

Another approach to teaching morality is through movies conveying moral values, expressing national and religious connotations, showing the way of life; the life which is desirable to public and government. The very good examples of these moral films made before and after World War II are "It's a wonderful life" and "You can not take it with you" directed by Frank Capra; former made in 1946 and latter made in 1938. Both films were great messengers of American identity.

In "It's a wonderful life" we can see "George Bailey has so many problems he is thinking to end them all – and it's Christmas! As the angels discuss George, we see his life in flashback. As George is about to jump from a bridge, he ends up rescuing his guardian angel, Clarence. Clarence then shows George what his town would have looked like if it had not been for all his good deeds over the years ". The emphasis on Christmas, friendship, helping others, benignity of politicians and private organizations are all subjects that need a great stress and emphasis to be learned.

The same subjects also exist in "You can not take it with you" in another way. Portrait of a love relation between a rich boy and a poor girl signifies the importance of ethics in life; "Alice Sycamore has to introduce the family of her fiancé, Tony Kirby, to her own family. The Kirby's are wealthy, stuffy family of great self- importance, while the Sycamore's are a collection of good-hearted lunatics. When the two families come together, lifestyle and philosophy collide head-on. The financial level of people is static, changing easily and it also remains very short. Poor people feel happy and supportive to each other and never feel alone. The important feature of both is that there is no sexuality in these two films.

To finish the discussion it is important to emphasize on the influence Hollywood has in every aspect of Americans. But the very real objective it looks for is identity formation which is most influential in children and youth; help them know their society's values ​​and even their government's policies and plans.


1. Http://www.britannica.com/ 2.

2. encarta.msn.com/

3. Http://www.imdb.com

4. Http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_g2699


Source by Azadeh Ghahghaei

Type 2 Diabetes – Will Using Sesame and Rice Bran Oils In Cooking Help People With Diabetes


Type 2 diabetes is defined by high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and high levels of blood fats: these are frequent complications associated with Type 2 diabetes.

In April 2016, the American Journal of Medicine reports on the results of a study using sesame and rice bran oils to lower hyperglycemia and improve blood fat readings in people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

Researchers at Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital in Japan found a blend of 20 percent sesame seed oil and 80 percent rice bran oil lowered hyperglycemia in Type 2 diabetics and also improved their cholesterol and blood fat readings. Over a period of eight weeks, diabetic participants using the oil blend as cooking oil had lowered fasting blood sugar levels as well as decreased blood sugar levels after meals. Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol so-called "unhealthy" cholesterol (LDL) dropped while high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL), also known as "healthy" cholesterol, increased.

In 2012 scientists at Fukuoka University reported on research linking sesame and rice bran oils with reduced blood pressure as well as improved cholesterol levels. Their paper was commented on at a meeting of the American Heart Association. According to their study, participants who cooked with sesame and rice bran oils lowered their hypertension almost as much as the participants who were using regular anti-hypertension medications. The participating members taking their blood pressure medication along with the two oils saw a drop in their reading twice as high as those who took only one of the treatments. The study group lowered their systolic (top number) blood pressure an average of 14 points and lowered their diastolic (bottom number) an average of 11 points. The people using the two oils decreased their LDL-cholesterol by 26 percent and raised their HDL-cholesterol an average of 9.5 percent.

The March-April 2016 issue of Clinical Lipidology reported on the latest study from Fukuoka. The participants using …

  • the two oils lowered their systolic blood pressure 12.8 percent and diastolic blood pressure 13.5 percent.
  • total cholesterol decreased by 18.3 percent. LDL-cholesterol increased by 27.5 percent; HDL-cholesterol increased 11 percent.
  • blood fats shrank by 12.6 percent.

When the oils were used along with nifedipine, a blood pressure-lowering drug, improvement in blood pressure was even more impressive. When they were used in combination, systolic blood pressure dropped 23.8 percent, and diastolic blood pressure fell 23.6 percent.

So cooking with the two oils appears helpful for people with Type 2 diabetics. Ask your physician or dietitian if the combination could be useful in your case. Here's to your health.


Source by Beverleigh H Piepers

Wal-Mart Goes To Germany


This article will traverse the before and after affects of Wal-Mart's attempt to gain a strong foothold in Germany. Wal-Mart has done very well in North America and many of Wal-Mart's leaders thought that they could use the exact same success formula in Germany; however that was not the case. There were several factors that contributed to the initial failure of Wal-Mart's in Germany including language barriers, government, and cultural differences. Wal-Mart's failed attempt to gain success in Germany lead to the loss of millions of dollars and the offense of many German businesses.


When attempting to expand a business overseas there are several important areas that must be taken into account in order to give the business a fighting chance. Possibly the most important issue is to avoid ethnocentrism which is the "belief that ones one culture is superior to others" (Angell, 2007, p. 352). Wal-Mart failed at disdaining an ethnocentric viewpoint and this combined with other failures lead to their financial disaster in Germany.

1. Do you think there are cultural differences between the German market and the American Market? What might they be?

There are many cultural differences between the German market and the American market, but one of the biggest differences is the way that the people of each culture perceive low prices. Wal-Mart prides itself on its low prices and this is the primary reason why it has done so well in the United States. Americans love to buy goods at what they feel is a bargain price and they will shop around in order to get the best deal. However, in Germany very low prices are often viewed as accompanying a poor quality product. This cultural difference can have a devastating affect on a company that prides itself on the lowest prices. One other cultural difference is that Americans like to buy everything in large quantities and to get all of their shopping done at one location, but in Germany people do not mind going to many different shops in order to get everything on their list and they will go to these shops every day and only purchase the amount that they need for that one day. This may seem like a waste of time to Americans but that is a ethnocentric viewpoint and should be avoided.

2. Why would German managers and vendors revolt against American business practices.

One of Wal-Mart's first business decisions in Germany was to buy out several retail chains and to redesign the outlets in order to fit the Wal-Mart style. This gave the impression to the managers that Wal-Mart was going to do business in their own way whether or not the Germans liked it. Furthermore Wal-Mart has the practice of forcing its vendors to supply the first shipment of goods on credit and then Wal-Mart would not pay them until they had either shipped another load or had ended their business relationship with Wal-Mart. By receiving the first shipment on credit Wal-Mart is able to keep large amounts of money under their control. This method of buying on credit upset Wal-Mart's vendors in Germany and brought them into a revolt against Wal-Mart.

3. Why do you think the Wal-Mart executives did not intrapersonaly think about the context in which they were communicating?

Wal-Mart has no excuse for the many mistakes that they made when branching into Germany, particularly when so many companies have had success in Germany before them. The Wal-Mart executives were over confident from the success that they had achieved in North America and this confidence, though pertinent in North America, did not suit them well when expanding into Germany. If the executives had stepped back and thought about the situation they were jumping into and ignored their previous success they would have been able to better see the cultural differences that eventually lead to Wal-Mart's great financial loss in Germany. The mistakes made by Wal-Mart were basic but had large effects.

4. What specific communications skills should Wal-Mart managers have used to start off on better terms with the German managers and vendors?

One of the most surprising mistakes made by Wal-Mart is that the American bosses placed in Germany could not speak German (Angell, 2007, p. 28). Being unable to communicate in a complete manner immediately placed strains on Wal-Mart's German relationships. Also by placing the pressure on the German managers by expecting them to speak English gave further insight into how much thought Wal-Mart had given to adapting to the German Community. Before reconstructing the outlets in order for them to fit the Wal-Mart model Wal-Mart managers should have spoken with the German managers to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the current outlets. Then Wal-Mart could have made an informed decision as to whether or not it was appropriate to redesign the layout of the buildings. Communication on a personal level would have gone a long way in securing Wal-Mart's success in Germany.

5. How should Wal-Mart address the problems it faces and begin to collaborate productively with the German people?

Germany's government has placed price bottoms on many goods that Wal-Mart sells and this directly undermines their ability to be the low price leader. Wal-Mart needs to partially redefine their position in the German marketplace. In addition to redefining their position Wal-Mart needs to stop adhering to their ethnocentric viewpoint and begin listening to the ideas of their managers. Once again communication at the personal level with German managers and vendors will be the key to Wal-Mart's success. They have already messed up their relationships enough that the only way to repair those relationships is for Wal-Mart to make the first move and to begin to deconstruct their German branch of the company in order to realistically face the cultural needs of the German people. Once the German's see that Wal-Mart is making a serious attempt to change the way in which they do business they will begin shopping there more often. Possibly it will take the younger German generation to change the cultural norm and begin to buy in bulk while paying the lowest price.


Wal-Mart made many mistakes when they expanded into Germany. Their primary mistake was falling into an ethnocentric view and assuming their formula for success would automatically succeed in all other nations. By not properly researching the German culture Wal-Mart failed to realize that selling in bulk and at a low price was not what the German people were used to. Also Wal-Mart failed to give the German managers the courtesy of speaking to them in German while in Germany. Lastly Wal-Mart was not prepared to deal with the German government and the price restraints that they placed on certain goods. When looking at the results of Wal-Mart's expansion into Germany the term disastrous comes to mind and it will be interesting to see how Wal-Mart proceeds into other countries in the future.


Source by John Severin

Pachinkos in America: Where Are They?


Many people in America have pachinkos in their basements, garages and attics. But they were put there years ago by parents, or former residents, or maybe they were picked up at garage sales or flea markets. How did these crazy Japanese stand-up pinball machines all end up in America? The history of pachinkos in America is rather surprising.

As the owner of a website devoted to the repair and restoration of pachinkos, I have learned quite a bit about where they are today and how they got there. Utilizing tools such as Google Analytics, I have been able to compile some statistics that let we can use to tell where they are today. Thousands of people have visited my site, and all looking for information on these rather odd-looking games. Where these queries originate, combined with orders and sales data provide a fairly clear picture that I will share with you below. But first, a bit of history on how all of these pachinko machines got here in the first place.

Japanese pachinko parlors for decades only allowed machines to remain in service for about a year before they had to be removed and disposed. This led to huge numbers of used machines available in Japan, and most were simply destroyed. However, it was not unusual for American servicemen to send or bring them back to the states as souvenirs. The numbers that trickled in spread out from our major military installations, but in the 1950's and 1960's these numbers were small, somewhere in the thousands. Few of these pachinkos have survived today.

In the early 1970's a few enterprising gentlemen got a good idea for a use for all of those piles of expired pachinkos. They formed a company called Target Abroad LTD, and started buying them up by the thousands and filling shipping crates with them. They then shipped these crates by the thousands to America, and sold them through major chain stores such as Woolworth, K-Mart, and even Sears. Several other smaller companies quickly formed and opened pachinko specialty stores across the country. Two of the most successful were Pachinko Palace and The Pachinko Factory, and many vintage pachinkos in America today still bear their stickers. Literally millions were sold between 1972 and 1976, but sales began to plummet when video games were invented and then mass- produced. By 1978 nearly all imports of pachinkos to America had ended, and the retailers sold off their inventory and closed their doors forever.

The largest concentration of these vintage pachinko machines in America is California with 16% of the total. While it is true that California is a very populous state, the ports of San Francisco and Los Angeles were the major deliver points for pachinkos shipped from Japan. It only makes sense that many would be sold there.

The second largest concentration is in Illinois at 8%. For decades Chicago was the place where most pinball and arcade machines were manufactured, and the port and transportation infrastructure there was an obvious distribution point for the populations of the Midwest. Even today, vintage pachinkos seem to be abundant in the suburbs there.

The third highest population is Texas at just over 6%. Texas has population going for it, and several good ports as well. Several of the distributors had major outlets in Texas, and the dry climate appears to have preserved the pachinkos in a superior manner.

Next up at number four is New York with 6%. As usual, a state with major ports with access to major population centers. Pinball machines were outlawed for decades in New York, so it seems only natural people would turn to pachinkos as an alternate for of entertainment on boardwalks and arcades. Eventually they found their way into private hands as video games replaced them.

The absolute worst states in the continental United States for pachinkos should be no surprise. North and South Dakota score dead last. No ports, low population, and little general interest in some silly looking pinball games from Japan.

So, now you know where the vintage pachinkos are, and how they got there. If you are inclined to find one, try San Francisco or Chicago, and you may get the best deals and best selection. The if you are On but in North Dakota, you Might be better off ordering Pachinkos online, Because it may be quite some time before you the find one 's at the local flea market.


Source by James Duane King

There's No Substitute for Cubic Inches – Bore and Stroke Your Small Block With Penis Exercising


Before "hybrids" and "e-cars" were vogue, and when testosterone still flowed heavily through the veins of All American Men, there was a saying … "There's no substitute for cubic inches." Meaning, that the bigger the engine, the badder it was. Not only in terms of sheer horsepower, but more importantly in terms of raw, spinal-fracturing torque.

Bigger was better, in the days of old Detroit … Before the bailouts, before the bankruptcies, before the Unions and the "government" became co-owners, and before the "green" brigade began to dictate to the American People what they should or should not be driving.

Have you noticed that today, any old "pony" car is called a Muscle Car? Apparently, any old Mustang is a muscle car, so is any old Challenger, 'Cuda, or anything else with decals and scoops from the late' 60s and early '70s. It's sort of like the "Woodstock" or the "Hendrix" enigma, where every person you meet, from that era, was actually at Woodstock and was actually purchasing and listening to Jimi Hendrix records. But the fact of it is, most people never made it to Woodstock and by some magical time-traveling event, The Osmonds and The Jackson Five became "Hendrix."

For a car to be a "Muscle" car, it had to have gobs of torque and gobs of horsepower. An in-line six cylinder Mustang coupe from 1966 is about as far removed from a muscle car as you can get. To be a true muscle car, you need cubic inches. Your 426 Hemis, 428 and 429 Cobra Jets, 455s, 440s, Boss 429s, and your 427s. A 327 Chevy stuffed in a Chevelle is not a muscle car.

The baddest production engine of all time would be the Ford 427 SOHC Hemi. Oh yes! Built by Ford to do battle with Chrysler's 426 Hemi on the NASCAR tracks, the old "Cammer" as she is known, was so brutally-bad that the 426 Hemi could not even come close. For that reason, and because Chrysler cried so much, ol 'Bill France and the NASCAR boys would not allow her to run on the NASCAR circuits, in the days when you could still, "Race on Sunday and Sell on Monday." For, as I'm sure you are aware, those days in NASCAR are long gone … The "Car of Tomorrow" is a cookie cutter "car," where the only differences between a Chevy and a Toyota, on the tracks of NASCAR, are the decals adorning the cars …

Anyway, the "Cammer," holds the record for the "King of Horsepower from the Land of Gob." In stock form, she's got 800 horsepower, all from a naturally-aspirated engine, designed and built nearly fifty years ago. But if you still are not satisfied with her performance, stick on a blower and run some nitro through her and you'll have 1,400 horsepower at your command … Jeepers, that's a lot from a fifty-year old vintage piece of Detroit Iron.

Why was the Cammer such am incredible engine? Because it was huge with 427 cubic inches. Again, there is no substitute for cubic inches … And she was made even more lethal by adding single overhead camshafts to each cylinder bank. You had horsepower and torque that was endless and almost impossible to transfer it all to the tarmac.

Penis enlargement is a lot like those Muscle Cars with the Big Blocks under the hood. Cars with huge engines, with ferocious amounts of torque and horsepower, that could not handle worth a damn, but could surely go like hell in a straight line. What better parallel to a penis can you find? Heck, all you need is lots of cubic inches (size volume) and straight line performance is all you truly need.

Turning your small-block penis from one of those in-line six cylinders into a fire-breathing seven-liter big block is easier than what most men think. You need to increase its stroke (penis length) and enlarge your bore (penis girth). This will give you all the extra cubes you need to get that Big Block Penis.

With penis exercising, increasing your stroke (length) is simply done using your hands to stretch out the ligaments which anchor the penis to the body. These exercises, when done properly, will increase your stroke for more gut-wrenching penis torque.

Boring out your small-block penis is done in the same method. The hands, again, are used to squeeze extra cubes into your penis by beefing up your block. By squeezing more blood into the penile caverns, we increase our penile bore (girth) and this give us more top-end penile horsepower.

What could be easier?

Georg von Neumann


Source by Georg Von Neumann

Attempts to End Slavery – African American History – American History


One of the greatest outcomes of the Revolutionary Era was a growing movement in opposition to slavery. As a result of mechanization and farming, slavery became dominant and very important to the economy, particularly in the south. Many white people began to question the morality of slavery, noticing the injustice in denying people of their liberties. Soon, antislavery societies were becoming common, and the north gradually provided for the abolition of slavery while the south still considered it a "positive good". The antislavery movement, which eventually developed into the abolition movement became radicalized during the early 1830's.

The beginnings of the antislavery movement were evident right after the revolution. Every state except for Georgia and South Carolina had outlawed the slave trade. Then, in 1782 Virginia passed a law that stated that owners must free their slaves. Consequently, by 1790, over ten thousand slaves had been set free. Ten years later, antislavery societies were forming from states ranging from Virginia to Massachusetts. Gradually, other northern states had followed, providing for the abolition of slavery. However, after the cotton gin was introduced to the economy, instead of eliminating the need for slavery, it actually had the opposite effect – the south now needed slavery more than ever. In addition, before Missouri joined the union, many northerners opposed the idea of ​​Missouri becoming a state because it would allow the expansion of slavery and also give them an advantage in the senate. In the Missouri Compromise of 1820, Henry Clay proposed to let Missouri enter the union as a slave state, and Maine as a free state. It was accepted since it preserved the balance between slave states and free states. With the passage of the Missouri Compromise, slavery became a national issue.

Soon the abolitionist movement arose, a crusade based on the idea that slavery was an unjust and immoral evil that needed to be eliminated as soon as possible. Since religion was the underlying motive for most abolitionists, Protestant churches usually became the common-ground for their activities. In 1831, William Lloyd Garrison started to publish a newspaper called the Liberator. His determination to abolish slavery was the basis for this theory to call for immediate freedom for all blacks, rather than gradual emancipation. With the help of his followers, in 1832, he established the American Anti-Slavery Society. Along with Garrison, Theodore Dwight Weld wrote a famous novel condemning slavery. During 1935, he traveled around Ohio and western New York preaching abolitionism. Even though he and his associates faced angry mobs, they did convince thousands of people to become abolitionists and form new societies. Those two people were a few of the most radical of the abolitionist leaders. As more antislavery organizations were being founded, many abolitionist leaders began to emerge as well.

Furthermore, in New York City, the Tappan brothers, Lewis and Arthur, were two successful merchants who used their wealth to finance antislavery activities. They supported a huge effort to give out antislavery pamphlets and distribute them to the US. Unfortunately, since many people considered them dangerous radicals, they made relatively few converts in 1835. Also, it was the antislavery movement that had given woman an important chance to become involved in politics and the government. Two of the very first women that were given a right to speak publicly about the immorality of slavery were the sisters Angelina and Sarah Grimke. They argued that if a great moral reform of American society was to occur, that women had to have equality in dealing with the issue. Later on, more women such as Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton took a stance against slavery.

These abolitionists constituted one of the most controversial movements in American history. From the first, their aim was to transform the conscience of each white American, Northerner and Southerner, by preaching against the sin of slavery. They believed that through such agitation it was possible to convince slaveholders to show repentance by releasing their slaves. This in turn, caused numerous problems and the issue would continue to divide the nation, ultimately leading the US into a period of bitter turmoil and eventually, war.


Source by Michael Cooper

The Lost Native American Natural Remedy For Hair Loss


Although there is no sure way to prevent hair fall, people have come up with natural remedy for hair loss. The first remedy to consider is massage. Massaging the scalp a couple of minutes a day stimulates circulation to the hair follicles.

Often, they cause hair growth, and in fewer cases temporary hair loss. Electric massagers are considered a modern day natural remedy for hair loss, as is the Oi Gong, an oriental remedy that massages the face and scalp regions.

Take 6 drops of lavender and bay essential oils as an aromatherapy measure. As the base, consider 4 ounces each of soy bean, almond, or sesame oil and let that sit for about 20 minutes for stimulating the scalp region.

Saw palmetto extracts can be used for curing hair loss in men, which is also directly related to prostrate concerns. It is a natural remedy for hair loss and also helps in tackling benign prostrate diseases by reducing DHT levels. Thus, it is effective in preventing androgenetic alopecia.

Nettle root extracts help in supplementing the body with Vitamin A and Vitamin C, important minerals as well as lipids that are good for your hair. The substance has been successfully used in Europe for inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase for treatment of BPH.

Sage and rosemary herbs can be used externally for success in treating hair fall. Take sage, rosemary, burdock, nettle and peach leaf and boil them together; strain them loose from the solution and wash your hair everyday with it.

Use jojoba oil, a natural remedy for hair loss, for treating symptoms such as eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and seborrhea. Traditionally, jojoba oil has been used by southwestern nations of Native America and Mexico for centuries as a method of enhancing hair growth as well as for treating dandruff. Jojoba oil also works well for hypo allergic skin as it acts as a unique moisturizer and minimizes the production of sebum in the scalp.

Indians, Caribbean people and Native Americans have also used Aloe Vera, a natural remedy for hair loss, to make their hair healthier and check hair fall. It heals the scalp by balancing its pH levels at the same time performing pore cleansing. When added to coconut milk and wheat germ, Aloe Vera is highly beneficial.

The traditional Indian herb henna is a natural conditioner and also maintains the health of your strands. It heals the hair shaft by remedying and sealing the cuticle for preventing hair from breaking and dullness. Polysorbate-80 surfactant removes DHT deposits and cholesterol from scalp. It should be applied 15 minutes before using shampoo.

Hair cleansing and detoxification is a natural remedy for hair loss and helps grow healthy hair. The toxins in our body affect our system. Cleansing can be done orally occasionally and regularly by colonic irrigation or enema. Psyllium husk is a fiber that acts as a laxative agent. It safely eliminates waste from the colon by scrubbing its walls of waste.

Finally, nothing works like exercising. It helps in direct hair growth by improving circulation and oxygen supply to the cells.


Source by David Lebowe